Tuesday, 15 January 2013

BTEC Phase Two Tasks

Btec ANIMATION UNIT – Phase TWO (10.1.1) (10.1.2) (10.1.11)

AIM – to complete in FOUR lessons maximum – two weeks

1.    Using the sheet ‘How to make a Spinning Card (THAUMATROPE)’ – Make a spinning image using card and string (10.1.1)
2.    Using the sheet  Make a SPINDLE VIEWER STRIP  - draw your own pictures for a Spindle Viewer (PHENAKISTOSCOPE)
3.    Who invented the spindle viewer and when? (PHENAKISTOSCOPE) (10.1.2)
4.    Who invented the Zoetrope and when?
5.    Draw a sketch of a ZOETROPE (you can use Google image search to help you!)
6.    What did the Zoetrope do? How did it work?
7.    Using the sheet  –‘Zoetrope Strip Example’ - Draw your own pictures for a Zoetrope
8.    Who created the KINEMATOSCOPE and when?
9.    Draw a sketch of a Kinematoscope – again use Google images
10.  What is a PRAXINOSCOPE?
11.  Draw a brief sketch of a Praxinoscope and show who invented it and when.
12.  What was the difference between the following:
a.    A Praxinoscope and a Zoetrope?
b.    The ‘Theatre Optique’ and Praxinoscope
13.  What is a KINETISCOPE? What year was it invented and who by? How is this a development of the inventions in questions 8 à 13?
14. How do all these animations work? In your answer, make sure you explain what PERSISTENCE OF VISION is, including who ‘discovered’ this and how it makes animation work. This is a VERY IMPORTANT question to answer well.
15. Finally, using YOUTUBE, find and watch as many old fashioned animations that use these techniques – you should be able to just put the names of the techniques straight into YOUTUBE and videos will appear. Of those you watch, CHOOSE 3 you like and explain them roughly – for example ‘I especially liked the Praxinoscope video where a horse runs across a field. In it……’

16. Complete ONE evaluation sheet for activity numbers 1, 2 and 7 above – keep as a copy and post on your blog

17. Scan and upload the pictures and drawings from the above questions (2, 5, 7, 9, 11) to your blog (or photograph on your phone and upload)

18. Watch ‘Disneyland – the story of animated drawing part 2’ on TEACHING RESOURCES (CGSTORE3) in Media

19. Complete the sheets on the following KEY ANIMATORS (10.1.11)  (Blackton and McCay)– again – keep copies and post on your blog and KEEP A RECORD of ALL the sites you visit during your research – remember to SHOW your SOURCES – e.g. ‘From Wikipedia – followed by page ref (copy from address bar) and date accessed
a.    Look them up on WIKIPEDIA and find out a bit about them, including making a note of some of the films they’ve made – keep a record of pages visited as this is research (and date accessed).
b.    On YOUTUBE, watch as many examples as you can of their work – see Mrs Thrasher’s Animation playlist on the channel ‘Mediamonkeymovies2’
c.     Complete an ‘ANIMATION HISTORY – KEY ANIMATORS INVENTIONS’ sheet for EACH ANIMATOR you investigate – 1 for Blackton, 1 for McCay
d.    Include a FILM RESPONSE sheet to record your thoughts on their ‘films’ and how and why they were important to animation history and development.
Key Animators for Stage One:
James Stuart BLACKTON
Make sure you watch the following:

MATCHES on appeal   The enchanted drawing Homourous phases of funny faces The haunted hotel – (BLACKTON) Fantasmagorie Little Nemo – (BLACKTON) Dreams of a rarebit fiend Gertie the Dinosaur

When you have finished looking into those first animators and early techniques, you need to show that you know what happened next – move on to Phase 3.

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